📋Command List
This page provides you an up-to-date list of our commands and features that we offer, as well as explanations of each. Allowing you to find the answer to your command questions.
Commands that server members can use.
/help This command displays an interactive menu that you can use to explore a list of our commands from within our discord bot.
/rank [@user] This command allows you to see the rank of yourself or another user in the current discord server. The @user is optional. Leaving it blank will automatically select yourself.
/leaderboard This command lets you see who's the top active users in the current server. Server admins can change how many people are listed on this board.
/bypass channels list This command can be used to check what channels don't allow users to earn XP. Specified by the server administrators.
/bypass roles list This command can be used to check what roles don't allow users to earn XP. Specified by the server administrators.
/xp-boosted channels list This command can be used to see what channels have XP boosts set on them and how much by. Specified by server administrators.
/xp-boosted roles list This command can be used to see what roles have XP boosts set on them and how much by. Specified by the server administrators.
This command allows you to manage premium.
/premium check This command is used to check if the current server has premium redeemed or not.
/premium rewards This command is used to view a list of rewards you get with premium.
/premium keys This command is used to view the keys you have purchased and redeemed.
/premium redeem This command is used to redeem premium on the current server.
Commands for administrators / bot configurations.
The /bypass command allows you to stop XP being earned if a user is within a specific channel or if they have specific roles in the server. You can only add so many, you'll need to redeem premium on the server to add more than the default amount.
/bypass channels add <#channel> This command allows you to add a new channel to the bypassing list.
/bypass channels remove <#channel> This command allows you to remove an existing channel from the bypassing list.
/bypass roles add <@role> This command allows you to add a new role to the bypassing list.
/bypass roles remove <@role> This command allows you to remove an existing role from the bypassing list.
The /gain-cooldown command allows you to set the time to wait between each message for a user to continue earning XP. By default, this cooldown is set to 30 seconds. This setting can be changed using this command. For this command, you must note:
Setting this to 0 will turn the cooldown off.
You may not specify a negative number.
Minimum of 0 seconds, maximum of 300 seconds (5 minutes).
The /reset command allows you to reset a users rank, or everyone's in one go. This reset cannot be undone once you confirm it.
/reset user <@user> Reset the users rank back to 0 (they will be unranked).
/reset server Reset everyone's rank in the current server back to 0 (they will all be unranked).
The /xp-boosted command allows you to set up roles and channels to have XP boosts. The amount can be 2x or 3x boosted XP.
/xp-boosted channels add <#channel> <amount> Add a channel to the XP boosted channels list.
/xp-boosted channels remove <#channel> Remove an XP boosted channel from the list.
/xp-boosted roles add <@role> <amount> Add a role to the XP boosted roles list.
/xp-boosted roles remove <@role> Remove an XP boosted role from the list.
Last updated